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Gain Web » Listing Details
Title:London Bridge Hotels
Category:Travel: Accommodation
Description:Contemporary 4 star hotel located in South Bank between Blackfriars Bridge and Southwark Bridge within walking distance of London's top attractions, Tate Modern, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, St Pauls Cathedral, Borough Market and a walk along the Bankside Pier to London Bridge, Tower Bridge, Tower of London, Big Ben, County Hall, London Eye. Close transport options from London Bridge or Southwark Underground. 20 to 30 minutes walk to Leicester Square, Covent Garden and London West End Theatres.
Meta Keywords:London Bridge Hotels
Meta Description:Contemporary 4 star hotel located in South Bank between Blackfriars Bridge and Southwark Bridge within walking distance of London's top attractions, Tate Modern, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, St Pauls Cathedral and Borough Market.